
Showing posts from March, 2021

Live with Gratitude

  Would you like to jumpstart with a 30 Day Gratitude Challenge? Order my workbook today! Find me on Amazon: Kimala DeSena

Believe and Rejoice with Joy

  Believe and Rejoice with Joy Often I sit and think about what it will be like when I am finally face to face with my Maker. The Holy Spirit encourages me whenever I feel down for not being able to see Him. But I know that He has taken residence inside of me! I do long to see His face, but the love I have for my Creator sustains me through my willingness and ability to rejoice in Him. I believe He walks with me each day and trust that He gives me exactly what I need to conquer today's challenges. I love being spirit-filled! Sometimes I can get lost in my overwhelming joy and all I can do is raise my hands in praise to my Father above! Let God's love overflow till all you can do is be filled with God's glory! "Though you have not seen him, you love him. Though you do not now see him, you believe in him and rejoice with joy that is inexpressible and filled with glory,"--1Peter 1:8 PRAYER Lord, thank you for allowing me the Holy Spirit to live in me. Whenever I am d

We are Better Together

  We are Better Together While last year completely shut many church doors, as well as our way of living, we learned to be flexible and adapt to this estranged season of not being with others. We watched church online, held Zoom bible studies, and kept our distances in all ways of volunteering and being the church body for our communities. God says to us that it is important that we not neglect our meeting together. As things slowly open back up, it is so important that we return to being the hands and feet of Christ. Help others, as you see fit, stretch yourselves as you decide when, where and how you will come together with other Believers. We must be ready for Christ's return. Our Christian friends and family, as well as those God sees fit to put in our paths, need to be around your positive outlook and spirit. Stretch yourselves and get back out there among the living. Lift others up as we cross the finish line together. God is calling us to encourage one another, in preparatio

Stop Your Worrying, My Child

  Stop Your Worrying, My Child How much, I think I lost count myself, are the amount of things we worry about? One minute I think my faith is oh so strong, and then next? Well the next, I'm off to the races with my mind running laps with worry. My Abba Father must shake His head at me, at times, or at least I'd like to think so. He tells us many times in His word, to please stop our worrying. He goes ahead and prepares a way. It may not always go according to my plan, but it's still a plan nonetheless. Sometimes it is exactly what I desire and sometimes, it's better! For today, let's be conscious of what our mind tells us is something to fret about and let's stop it in it's tracks before it begins to run! What am I going to do with you, says the Lord? Stop your worrying, my child. God wants us to be free from worry and anxiety. He is telling you and me today, to let things go. Bring it all to Him and he will provide a way. We must trust in this. It's His

My Praise Belongs to You

My Praise Belongs to You Have you ever spent time just praising God? Worshipping and singing and praising His Glorious name as if time has stood still and nothing else matters in that moment? Last night I was able to join friends as we attended a women's "Blush" event at a church. It was so beautiful to get lost in my worship time. I love to fully immerse myself in my praises and prayers to God. I can feel the electric charge of the Holy Spirit rushing through my body and in the room of believers, as I sing honoring the One who loves me better than anything else in this world. Oh, how I love Jesus! Lift up your hands. Let your praises spill out from your lips! Nothing is better than worship time. If you haven't given yourself the time to sing and worship God lately, please do it now. The One who has breathed the very life into your body, provides every single thing to sustain life, gone before you and prepares the way, the Redeemer and Restorer, the Deliverer from dar

Come Back to Me

  KIMALA'S CORNER Come Back to Me Have you asked God for forgiveness, but you still drag the weight of your former sins? The burden you carry needs to be dropped now. Why do we continue to transport that baggage around? It no longer belongs to us and yet, somehow we still claim it. God is releasing you right this second. If you have had an honest talk with God and asked for it to be forgiven, then let it go. It no longer serves you to keep yourself separated from our holy Father. Satan tries and actually succeeds when we allow ourselves to be separated from God. We put ourselves in a mental prison when God has already released us! You are set free! Christ claims us and gives us the true key to our forever freedom! He wants you back in relationship with Him. Run to Him! Drop it now and step forward. Actually, RUN! God's love is waiting... "I have swept away your offenses like a cloud, your sins like the morning mist. Return to me, for I have redeemed you." --Isaiah 44:

Be Like Unleavened Bread

  KIMALA'S CORNER Be Like Unleavened Bread The bible uses references to breadmaking because it helped not only the people of that day, but it continues to help us today. Leavened bread is puffed up while unleavened bread is flat. Being puffed up with pride, filled with malice and wickedness, is what we want to rid ourselves from. God says to throw out the old puffed up bread and start fresh! Through Jesus, who is the Passover Lamb that was slain for our sins, we can begin again with new unleavened bread. A little good yeast goes a long way! The new bread of life, Jesus Christ, is filled with sincerity and truth! Throw out the old bread and start fresh. Malice basically refers to evil thoughts and intentions. It’s from the Greek word kakia. Thayer’s Greek Lexicon includes these definitions that can help us recognize this deadly ingredient: “malignity … ill-will, desire to injure … wickedness, depravity … wickedness that is not ashamed to break laws … evil, trouble.” It's time to

An Opportunity for Jesus

  KIMALA'S CORNER An Opportunity for Jesus Have you had a moment in your life where you knew Jesus was instructing you to help someone in need? It may be a complicated and difficult scenario, where your flesh wants to resist stepping up to the task. You possibly want to turn away, not get involved, don't want the extra drama in your life. Being scared or fear the unknown can easily set in. But in that moment, God pulls you up quickly and says "Get involved! Be my hands and feet!" This happened to me yesterday as I helped a 20 year old young woman who is homeless find her way for the day. Jesus doesn't say it's going to be easy. He doesn't tell us we won't get our hands dirty in the process. But, rest assured, He will break your heart for what breaks His. He will bring you up close and with no escape from the raw reality of the passion of Christ. I'm here to tell you, do not turn away. If you are being called to help, to assist, to rescue another, d

Do Not Envy Those who Do Wrong

KIMALA'S CORNER Do Not Envy Those who Do Wrong We often think that others have it better than us. Looking across the field at the perception of greener grass is something people have done for the longest time. It can be difficult to walk a Christian life. The sinner seems to be carefree and really enjoying life to its fullest. Sometimes it can seem like their worldly ways are without any hardship or pain, only relying on themselves and enjoying a fleshly life! The saved knows that in order to be saved they had to put down that old life to walk with Christ. Can we have both? What does God say about it? God isn't messing around with our old lifestyle. He wants us made new through Christ. Psalm 37 …22Surely those He blesses will inherit the land, but the cursed will be destroyed. 23The steps of a man are ordered by the LORD who takes delight in his journey. 24Though he falls, he will not be overwhelmed, for the LORD is holding his hand.… (study bible) PRAYER Lord, in the struggle