My Praise Belongs to You

My Praise Belongs to You

Have you ever spent time just praising God? Worshipping and singing and praising His Glorious name as if time has stood still and nothing else matters in that moment? Last night I was able to join friends as we attended a women's "Blush" event at a church. It was so beautiful to get lost in my worship time. I love to fully immerse myself in my praises and prayers to God. I can feel the electric charge of the Holy Spirit rushing through my body and in the room of believers, as I sing honoring the One who loves me better than anything else in this world. Oh, how I love Jesus!
Lift up your hands. Let your praises spill out from your lips!
Nothing is better than worship time. If you haven't given yourself the time to sing and worship God lately, please do it now. The One who has breathed the very life into your body, provides every single thing to sustain life, gone before you and prepares the way, the Redeemer and Restorer, the Deliverer from darkness and the Maker of Heaven and Earth deserves your undivided attention.
"Because your steadfast love is better than life,
my lips will praise you.
So I will bless you as long as I live;
in your name I will lift up my hands." --Psalm 63:3-4


Lord, thank you for giving me the opportunity to join other women in fellowship and worship as one body of Christ. I love this kind of connection and find it so encouraging and uplifting. Lord, I will sing your praises all day and night. I love when you allow me to feel your presence. The Holy Spirit danced! Bless you Father for you are so so good to me. I know you go before me in all ways, you plan ahead so I do not have to worry. I can trust you in your will for my life. Thank you for today. I will go along my day, singing praises to you. In your mighty name, Amen
We are better together.
Have a blessed day, Kimala


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