Stop Your Worrying, My Child

 Stop Your Worrying, My Child

How much, I think I lost count myself, are the amount of things we worry about? One minute I think my faith is oh so strong, and then next? Well the next, I'm off to the races with my mind running laps with worry. My Abba Father must shake His head at me, at times, or at least I'd like to think so. He tells us many times in His word, to please stop our worrying. He goes ahead and prepares a way. It may not always go according to my plan, but it's still a plan nonetheless. Sometimes it is exactly what I desire and sometimes, it's better! For today, let's be conscious of what our mind tells us is something to fret about and let's stop it in it's tracks before it begins to run!
What am I going to do with you, says the Lord? Stop your worrying, my child.
God wants us to be free from worry and anxiety. He is telling you and me today, to let things go. Bring it all to Him and he will provide a way. We must trust in this. It's His word and His word is true.

“And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin." --Matthew 6:28

Lord, thank you for today's message. I will not worry. I will not fret. I will remind myself that you are in control. You got this. I trust and hand off all my stuff and junk over to you. You will take my mess and turn it into a marvelous manner, worthy to be glorified by your hand stamp of approval. For your will is better than mine. When I see the flowers that are in bloom, it will remind me that they do not worry, they just shine. I hope to be a shining example of what it means to live with Christ. Thank you and I'll be over here, just shining and waiting for whatever you bring forward with full expectation that you are the Master of my Destiny. You are the Creator and you continue to Create. All that I am is because of you. In Jesus Mighty name, Amen.
We are better together.
Have a blessed day, Kimala

"Rise UP! You were Made for More!" --Kimala

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