We are Better Together

 We are Better Together

While last year completely shut many church doors, as well as our way of living, we learned to be flexible and adapt to this estranged season of not being with others. We watched church online, held Zoom bible studies, and kept our distances in all ways of volunteering and being the church body for our communities. God says to us that it is important that we not neglect our meeting together. As things slowly open back up, it is so important that we return to being the hands and feet of Christ. Help others, as you see fit, stretch yourselves as you decide when, where and how you will come together with other Believers. We must be ready for Christ's return. Our Christian friends and family, as well as those God sees fit to put in our paths, need to be around your positive outlook and spirit.
Stretch yourselves and get back out there among the living. Lift others up as we cross the finish line together.
God is calling us to encourage one another, in preparation for Jesus's return. Don't fall into the habit we created of not seeing each other. Return to church, rejoin your volunteer efforts, bring about new changes for your communities. We are being called now. Many have fallen down with anxiety and depression. Help your fellow members of society. Be the light.
"Let us not neglect meeting together, as some have made a habit, but let us encourage one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching."--Hebrews 10:25

Lord, thank you for your encouraging word. It gives us much direction as we begin to regain momentum to a glimmer of normalcy we yearn for, coming out of this global quarantine. God we ask you to provide the strength, endurance and a positive attitude needed to take the lead with encouraging others. Fill up our cup first, Lord, so we can be a vessel for you. Allow us to have so much love that it overflows onto others who need it, too. We are your ambassadors. We do not take this role lightly. It is a responsibility that we realize is much needed in our world today. Lord, we await you. Come now. Save us from the perils of this world and bring us into your heavens evermore. In Jesus Mighty name, Amen.
We are better together.
Have a blessed day, Kimala 

"Rise UP! You were Made for More!" --Kimala


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