The Ten Commandments: #3 Do Not Say His Name in Vain

The Ten Commandments #3 YOU SHALL NOT MISUSE THE NAME OF THE LORD YOUR GOD, FOR THE LORD WILL NOT HOLD ANYONE GUILTLESS WHO MISUSES HIS NAME. We must respect the holiness of God's name, coming into his presence with the most reverence and respect. Often we can find ourselves barging in front of God with our prayerful needs, not fully understanding that we can only do so because of his grace and mercy for us. Any use of God's name that brings dishonor on Him or his character is taking his name in vain. If you use God's name to legitimize and oath, then break it, would show lack of reverence for God. As well, those who name the name of Christ, who pray in His name, and who take His name as part of their identity, but who deliberately and continually disobey His commands, are taking His name in vain. The name of the Lord is holy, as He is holy. The name of the Lord is a representation of His glory, His majesty, and His supreme deity. We are to esteem and honor His name as we r...