
Showing posts from July, 2021

30 Days of Self Care: Day Six

  30 Days of Self Care:  Day Six Social Self Care When we work on our social self care we are saying that it's time to plug in with other people. Even introverts need relationships, but on their terms. It's about maintaining healthy, true, supportive connections with others. While extroverts have no problem keeping up on social self care, the introverts need to really keep this going. Participating in social self care activities really helps us to invite diverse relationships into our circle; and not just with family, friends and co-workers. Not only is interaction important, but actual physical contact is life saving! Family therapist Virginia Satir once said , “We need four hugs a day for survival. We need 8 hugs a day for maintenance. We need 12 hugs a day for growth.” While that may sound like a lot of hugs, it seems that many hugs are better than not enough. Unfortunately, most people today — especially during COVID season are  touch-deprived. Many people l

30 Days of Self Care: Day Five

  30 Days of Self Care:  Day Five Sensory Self Care When we work on our sensory self care we are saying that our five senses: sights, sounds, tastes, smells and touch are equally important to not neglect. For people who are considered "highly sensitive people" this area needs extra special attention. The scientific term is “ sensory-processing sensitivity " (SPS). Highly sensitive people are born that way; it is not something they learned. Growing up they may have been introverts or shy, but there is a growing number of extroverts that are also HSP. Some traits include: has a rich and complex inner life, deeply moved by the arts and music, gets easily overwhelmed, sensitive to pain, caffeine and hunger, easily startles, notices sensory changes, has difficulty performing tasks while observed, can easily be affected by others' moods or stories, and more. Sensory self care activities help you focus on the current moment. When you focus on your five senses it can

You Refresh Me

  You Refresh Me Life is a balancing act. While we know that self-indulgence all the time leads to sinful behaviors, addictions and self control issues, we realize that some "off time" for us to enjoy doing essential activities that we love out of life is paramount. The Lord wants us to be refreshed, filled with hope and joy. He declares good things for our lives. He wants us to rest in His favor. When you find it's time for a much needed break, it really is okay to unplug and unwind. You will be better for it once you return to your workflow, happy and rejuvenated. "You gave abundant showers, Oh God; You refreshed your weary inheritance."--Psalm 16:9 We are better together. Have a blessed day, Kimala DeSena #splashedinthespirit "Rise UP! You were Made for More!" ™ --Kimala #RISEUP #MadeforMore #KimalaDeSena #Christian #Women #Business #Calling #SelfCare

30 Days of Self Care: Day FOUR

  30 Days of Self Care:  Day Four Practical Self Care Today, get real with yourself.  You need a break.  If I said that you could take the rest of today for yourself, what is that one thing you would rush to go do for yourself?  You know that thing that puts the biggest smile on your face.  Yes, we all have the desires of the heart.  It's really important that we pull away from our schedules and plug in the fun things!  No one else is going to do it for you--it's up to you to enjoy this life!  Now, get to it.  "The bigger the smile, the better the moment..." Remember:  We must serve ourselves first in order to go out and better serve the world.  When I need a break, it's good to do what I love most!  Let's get some fun in! DAY FOUR:  PRACTICAL SELF CARE When we work on our practical self care we are saying to ourselves that for the times when we are overworked, deprived or stressed, it's time to do things for ourselves that we deem practical or necessary

Your Body is a Temple

  Your Body is a Temple It's not like we go around all the time, thinking about how the Holy Spirit lives inside us. We know this and yet, how many of us actually take precious care of eating healthy and keeping our bodies in tip top shape? For those of you that do, I commend you for your tremendous efforts. It's definitely a challenge. Our bodies are made up of kinetic energy. Just as we fuel ourselves at each meal with food, it needs to be used or expended daily. Remember that today your body needs to get moving. Make sure you find ways to add extra movement or exercise to your day. We can be physically invigorated by movement or massage or even a good body scrub. These suggestions allow us to be in touch with our energy levels and readjust as needed. Sometimes we need to be soothed down, while others times we need to be revved up. Either way, make sure today is all about you doing things to stay fit and healthy. The Lord declares your body is a temple. You put

30 Days of Self Care: Day Three

  30 Days of Self Care:  Day Three Physical Self Care Today, I want to begin by recognizing that Self Care is not something you have, it's something you claim!  You have to fight hard for it sometimes because if given the opportunity, others will try to usurp your time, treasures and talents and unfortunately, it can leave you high and dry. Remember, when we take care of us, it's not always saying "me first", it can also mean we are saying "me, too."  Often, it can be inclusive and bring people together in ways that they never knew were possible.  If you always sat on the sidelines, not thinking that an activity was for you, try to shift that perspective and get out there and into the game of life.  We miss out on so much when we sit and just watch.  God adores you and wants you full of joy.  You are worthy of being included. Don't miss out on another day. Remember:  We must serve ourselves first in order to go out and better serve the world.  My body is

Rest Like the Lord

Rest Like the Lord Do you ever just watch ants move? Hurry Hurry Hurry, scattering along, working on something. I don't know much about ants, but it surely seems as if they never sleep. Sometimes our lives can be just like ants. We have such long To-Do lists and try as we might, it never seems to end with tasks, chores, jobs, duties and so much more. Our responsibilities keep us in hurry mode, jumping from one assignment to the next. While we know the bible tells us that God loves those who work and are not idle, He also clearly instructs us to rest. Yes, ahhhh REST. The Sabbath day (which does not have to actually be on Sunday--hey, pastors usually take Monday!) is the assigned day to rest. The balance of work and rest is so important that God had to give us a clear instruction about it. He knows our minds race with our running lists, but He wants us to give ourselves quality rest so that we can keep these human bodies in tip top shape, rebooting and recooping, for His assignments