30 Days of Self Care: Day FOUR

 30 Days of Self Care:  Day Four

Practical Self Care

Today, get real with yourself.  You need a break.  If I said that you could take the rest of today for yourself, what is that one thing you would rush to go do for yourself?  You know that thing that puts the biggest smile on your face.  Yes, we all have the desires of the heart.  It's really important that we pull away from our schedules and plug in the fun things!  No one else is going to do it for you--it's up to you to enjoy this life!  Now, get to it.  "The bigger the smile, the better the moment..."

Remember:  We must serve ourselves first in order to go out and better serve the world.  When I need a break, it's good to do what I love most!  Let's get some fun in!


When we work on our practical self care we are saying to ourselves that for the times when we are overworked, deprived or stressed, it's time to do things for ourselves that we deem practical or necessary to do and that we find pleasurable. Life is a balancing act. While we know that self-indulgence all the time leads to sinful behaviors, addictions and self control issues, we realize that some "off time" for us to enjoy doing essential activities that we love out of life is paramount. Sometimes we need a shot of internal dopamine. Also known as the “feel-good” hormone, dopamine is a hormone and neurotransmitter that's an important part of your brain's reward system. Dopamine is associated with pleasurable sensations, along with learning, memory, motor system function, and more. We are responsible for our own happiness, so intentionally block out some time in your busy schedule for personal practical activities that you find that bring you happiness and fulfillment. The Lord wants us to be refreshed, filled with hope and joy. He declares good things for our lives. He wants us to rest in His favor. When you find it's time for a much needed break, it really is okay to unplug and unwind. You will be better for it once you return to your workflow, happy and rejuvenated.


  • "Go, eat your food with gladness, and drink your wine with a joyful heart, for God has already approved what you do."--Ecclesiastes 9:7
  • "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit."--Romans 15:13
  • "Your love has given me great joy and encouragement, because you, brother, have refreshed the hearts of the Lord’s people."--Philemon 1:7
  • "You gave abundant showers, O God; you refreshed your weary inheritance."--Psalm 68:9


Here are a few ways we can cover our practical self care today: 

  • Have some fun and bake something that you love.
  • Next time you are shopping, buy the shoes or shirt you have your eye on.
  • Take a last minute weekend getaway. Make sure it includes at least one overnight.
  • Allow yourself to daydream. Let it flow for longer than a few seconds.
  • Make an appointment for a manicure.
  • Make an appointment for a pedicure.
  • Buy yourself a nice bouquet of flowers.
  • Get settled in on the couch or bed and watch a Chick Flick!
  • Take a bubble bath using your favorite extra items for pampering.


Remember that today your body needs to break.  Find some fun things to do that you really enjoy.  I promise you will return feeling so refreshed that you will find an extra boost of energy to get the rest of your things done!  We are in this together.

Have a blessed day, Kimala

PS.  Don't forget to go over to our Facebook Private Group:  Splashed in the Spirit, LLC and post your comment on the Day FOUR Self Care post!  Let's encourage one another.

"Rise UP! You were Made for More!" ™ --Kimala


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