30 Days of Self Care: Day Three

 30 Days of Self Care:  Day Three

Physical Self Care

Today, I want to begin by recognizing that Self Care is not something you have, it's something you claim!  You have to fight hard for it sometimes because if given the opportunity, others will try to usurp your time, treasures and talents and unfortunately, it can leave you high and dry. Remember, when we take care of us, it's not always saying "me first", it can also mean we are saying "me, too."  Often, it can be inclusive and bring people together in ways that they never knew were possible.  If you always sat on the sidelines, not thinking that an activity was for you, try to shift that perspective and get out there and into the game of life.  We miss out on so much when we sit and just watch. God adores you and wants you full of joy. You are worthy of being included. Don't miss out on another day.

Remember:  We must serve ourselves first in order to go out and better serve the world.  My body is a temple.  Let's get it moving!


When we work on our physical self care we are saying to ourselves that our bodies need and deserve our real attention.  Make sure you are feeding and exercising it in ways that are practical for you, but consistent so that you are in the best possible shape you can be in.  These vessels are no good if they cannot carry us throughout the day and into the evening.  Physical Self Care is important because it spills into other areas of our lives when we lack in this category.  Trust in the Lord that he calls his people to move. Whether it be in the wilderness, desert, mountaintop, in your yard, along your street, at the mall, in front of your TV, wherever he calls you, go!   Are you immobile?  No matter.  Stretch what you do have and fuel yourself with the right foods to optimize your health.


Jeremiah 17:14
Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved, for you are my praise.

3 John 1:2
Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul.

Isaiah 41:10
I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

1 Corinthians 6:19

I Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have received from God?  You are not your own;


Here are a few ways we can cover our mental self care today: 

*Get off the couch and dance.  Crank up your favorite music and go for it.
*Drink more water.  Give your body a good flushing.
*Book an appointment and get a massage.
*Do some stretching moves that you can bend using your arms and legs.
*Take a walk around your block, yard, driveway, park.  Go at your own pace.
*Get outside and spend at least 10 minutes in the sunshine.
*Go to bed early.  Turn off all electronics at least 30 minutes beforehand.
*Take a long shower using a body scrub and extra conditioner for your hair.
*Go to the gym and take a class.  Not a member?  Ask for a free class pass.
*Roll it out using a foam roller for your body.


Remember that today your body needs to get moving.  Make sure you find ways to add extra movement or exercise to your day.  We can be physically invigorated by movement or massage or even a good body scrub.  These suggestions allow us to be in touch with our energy levels and readjust as needed.  Sometimes we need to be soothed down, while others times we need to be revved up.  Either way, make sure today is all about you doing things to stay fit and healthy.  The Lord declares your body is a temple.  You put good stuff in and you get good stuff out.  
We are in this together.

Have a blessed day, Kimala

PS.  Don't forget to go over to our Facebook Private Group:  Splashed in the Spirit, LLC and post your comment on the Day THREE Self Care post!  Let's encourage one another.

"Rise UP! You were Made for More!" ™ --Kimala


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