Rest Like the Lord

Rest Like the Lord

Do you ever just watch ants move? Hurry Hurry Hurry, scattering along, working on something. I don't know much about ants, but it surely seems as if they never sleep. Sometimes our lives can be just like ants. We have such long To-Do lists and try as we might, it never seems to end with tasks, chores, jobs, duties and so much more. Our responsibilities keep us in hurry mode, jumping from one assignment to the next. While we know the bible tells us that God loves those who work and are not idle, He also clearly instructs us to rest. Yes, ahhhh REST. The Sabbath day (which does not have to actually be on Sunday--hey, pastors usually take Monday!) is the assigned day to rest. The balance of work and rest is so important that God had to give us a clear instruction about it. He knows our minds race with our running lists, but He wants us to give ourselves quality rest so that we can keep these human bodies in tip top shape, rebooting and recooping, for His assignments. Do not forget that our Creator delights in His design of us. You are specially made. Remember and honor this by taking care of you.

"Let us therefore strive to enter that rest, so that no one may fall by the same sort of disobedience."--Hebrews 4:11
We are better together.
Have a blessed day, Kimala DeSena

"Rise UP! You were Made for More!" ™ --Kimala

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