
Showing posts from August, 2021

Yes You Can

Yes You Can We tell ourselves "no" more often than we would like to think. We say "Not me, I can't do that" before we even try. Playing it safe so that you won't experience hurt or failure results in not sharing the incredible gifts that God gave specifically to you. Don't cut yourself short: you have way more talents and abilities than you have ever considered. This world, right now, present day, needs all of you. People need you. You have more to give, more to offer, more to share, than you give yourself credit for. What is it that inner voice telling you to do? What is the Holy Spirit prompting you to participate with? Where do you think you are needed most right now? It's time to step up with faith. Step into action is activating your faith. You can do more things than you think you give yourself credit for. It's time to stop being a spectator and begin being a key component to the answers, the solutions. You may just astound yourself with wh

30 Days of Self Care: Day Thirty

  30 Days of Self Care:  Day Thirty Mental Self Care Mental Self Care is doing things that take care of our minds, bodies and souls by engaging in activities that help promote our well being, in an effort to reduce or eliminate the factors in our lives that cause anxiety, worry or stress. But, we must consider that it is not a one time deal--we need to continue a habitual routine of self care throughout our lives. It must become so engrained into our daily living that it happens naturally and without much thought to its efficacy or importance. We are important. We should continue to make ourselves a priority. The process to maintain balance in our lives is a continuation of good choices, right decisions and best efforts to maximize our optimal living. A vehicle without fuel does not work. Sure, put gas in it and it goes, but over time, if it is not properly maintained, there becomes more problems along the way. Your mental health care during seasons of stress can cause you to not  prop

30 Day Self Care Challenge: Day TWENTY-NINE

  30 Days of Self Care:  Day Twenty-Nine Emotional Self Care Emotional self care happens when we identify our feelings, allow ourselves to sit with them a while, then do something that will either support these feelings as you lean into them or exchange them for new feelings or emotions. For some moments, you will resonate with your emotions; while other times you may want to escape or avoid them. Learning to trust yourself in working through your feelings is possible. In this life, we will indeed make mistakes, but the magic happens when we walk through our scenarios, growing and maturing because of them. Sometimes, we envision ourselves doing the same things that seem to work for us, but there may be moments where you would like to envision something different. You may decide that you would like to equip yourself with a new toolset to prepare yourself when things go sideways or perhaps when you need a good dose of encouragement when things become sticky or  problematic.

30 Days of Self Care: Day Twenty-Eight

  30 Days of Self Care:  Day Twenty-Eight Spiritual Self Care Spiritual self care is something we can all benefit from. Over time we come to learn and understand that without it, life can become extremely difficult trying to go it alone. Building and enhancing your relationship with God allows for a lightening of our load during troubled times. A renewed spirit is necessary when we find ourselves carrying a heavier burden. Each step in our faith building brings about a brighter sense of purpose and passion, knowing and trusting God to help us through these more difficult seasons. You may find that leaning into God and his biblical word, will carry you through the lowest valleys, and onward back up to higher peaks. We will experience highs and lows in this life, but God will always be with us. Spiritual self care allows us to better understand who our Creator is and what our purpose is while we are going about our daily lives. We can turn to this type of self care to find

30 Days of Self Care: Day Twenty-Seven

  30 Days of Self Care:  Day Twenty-Seven Social Self Care Social self care can be one of the most pleasing forms of self care for those who crave being with others. But as you will soon discover, it might not always be the case for someone who has a harder time finding and making new friends or staying in contact with those they care about. Relationships take time. It can be an ongoing effort to keep some people in your lives. Being proactive about connecting with others will show that you care about your relationships and prioritizing them within the rest of your life. It’s also important to be mindful of who you reach out to. Put time into relationships that recharge you, add value to your life, and leave you feeling fulfilled. But, being social does not have to be difficult. You can do regular activities such as grocery shopping or joining a group to get your social needs met. Now, with social media, we witness many interacting with others in more ways ever. Social self