30 Day Self Care Challenge: Day TWENTY-NINE

 30 Days of Self Care:  Day Twenty-Nine

Emotional Self Care

Emotional self care happens when we identify our feelings, allow ourselves to sit with them a while, then do something that will either support these feelings as you lean into them or exchange them for new feelings or emotions. For some moments, you will resonate with your emotions; while other times you may want to escape or avoid them. Learning to trust yourself in working through your feelings is possible. In this life, we will indeed make mistakes, but the magic happens when we walk through our scenarios, growing and maturing because of them. Sometimes, we envision ourselves doing the same things that seem to work for us, but there may be moments where you would like to envision something different. You may decide that you would like to equip yourself with a new toolset to prepare yourself when things go sideways or perhaps when you need a good dose of encouragement when things become sticky or problematic. Part of our self care is viewing our mishaps or mistakes as learning opportunities, then allow yourself the ability to forgive and set yourself free to move on. Having healthy ways to process your emotions is essential to self care. Incorporate the activities that help you cope with your emotions and get recharged.

Remember:  We must serve ourselves first in order to go out and better serve the world.  Finding ways to consider ourselves worthy of the emotional support we need is the beginning to a healthier, more productive way of living.  We make mistakes while we learn and grow.  Allow yourself the space to do just that.


We all have heard news from time to time that strikes a chord in our hearts with such a heaviness, we can hardly shake it. It seizes up your spirits, depressing them and keeping them down, because of some calamity or distress, or fear or grief, on account of some kind of situation or event in this world. This kind of bad news can weigh us down, making it difficult to bounce back at times!
But a good word can change everything. It can bring comfort, cheering, light-heartedness and encouragement from any friend that shows compassion towards us. Our hearts can be inspired with joy, spoken by a Gospel pastor or priest who raises up our soul and gives soothing comfort to the things we cannot make sense of with our heavy hearts.
We all need some of this, don't we? An encouraging word. In Gill's Exposition it states: "it is good news from a far country, which is like cold water to a thirsty soul, very refreshing and reviving...such is the word of peace, pardon, righteousness, and eternal life by Christ." It's okay to take your turn--not be the one always giving. It's time for you to receive. Allow others to come alongside you in your time of heavy-heartedness and bring you an encouraging word. We are not meant to remain in a place that weighs us down with anxiety and worry. God says to bathe yourself in the Good News--the Gospel. Jesus is the answer and offers the kind of peace that only he can bring to you. Rest in this.

  • "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law."--Galatians 5:22-23
  • "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding."--Proverbs 3:5
  • "Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all."--Psalm 34:19
  • "Anxiety in a man's heart weighs him down, but a good word makes him glad."--Proverbs 12:25
  • "Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you."--1Peter 5:7


Here are a few ways we can cover our emotional self care today: 
  • Begin a scrapbook for yourself or a loved one as a gift.
  • Make a list of 3-5 events in your life you can be proud of.
  • Time to create some new goals. What do you want to personally achieve next?
  • Get yourself the most fuzzy, super soft item to snuggle with (pajamas, blanket, pillow, etc.)
  • Update your resume. Add your personal and professional achievements/accomplishments.
  • Spend quality time with your pet or pets. They are the best therapists!
  • Get to know your emotional triggers. What needs to happen in order to change things?
  • Switch up the conversation if it does not feel right or good. You can take the higher road.
  • Stop apologizing for everything. You do not need to take that heavy load if it's not yours.
  • Get yourself a plant. Taking care of plants can be emotionally satisfying.

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Learn from your mistakes.  Embrace your feelings.  Lean in and accept yourself for who you are.  Build your toolset of activities that you know will be there for you when you need them most.  Get recharged.

Have a blessed day, Kimala

PS.  Don't forget to go over to our Facebook Private Group:  Splashed in the Spirit, LLC and post your comment on the Day TWENTY-NINE Self Care post!  Let's encourage one another.

PSS.  Here is the link to answer today's post on how your self care went today:  

PSSS.  Want to do a 30 Day Gratitude Challenge?  Here is the link to order the gratitude workbook:  GRATITUDE

"Rise UP! You were Made for More!" ™ --Kimala


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