
Showing posts from June, 2021

Set Free from Sin

  Set Free from Sin How much guilt and shame can one person carry? It's the question that we should consider when we continually take on the burden of holding onto past sin. Sin separates us from not only our closest family and friends, but more importantly from God. If you find yourself in this troubled space, it's time to unload. Turn all of your baggage, all of your burden, all of your sin over to the One who sets us free. God wants us to deliver it over to Him. His very nature is to forgive and love us unconditionally. There is no blemish about us that He won't wipe clean. There is no sinful behavior He can't repair and restore within us. Ask for forgiveness. Lay it at the feet of the cross. Then, let it go. Be washed clean. Allow God to breathe new life into your lifeless sinful past and push you forward into a new direction that God wants you to go.  He will direct your course....if only you will let Him. “As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed

Moments that Matter

  Moments that Matter It's in the quiet moments in the early morning when I most enjoy the light slumber. The coolness of the air, the way the comforter finds its way tucked around my feet and the smell of coffee brewing. My husband loves to bring me coffee in bed. It's a small act of kindness, but it means so much to me. I treasure it. It's part of his love language and I gladly accept. I love meeting God in my early morning moments. Today, I ask you to find the small things you most enjoy about your life. It may be a person, place or thing in your world that brings a smile upon your face. These can be closely connected to your spiritual walk, not even realizing that in the little moments that bring you joy, they add up to a joyful life spending it with God. He wants us to be happy, peaceful, joy-filled, rested, blessed, delighted by Him... search for verses that speak into joy and happiness. They're there for us to lavish in. "Take delight in the LORD, and he wil

He Meets You Where You Are

He Meets You Where You Are Trust me when I say that God knows what He is doing. He knows your strengths and your weaknesses. He has the next assignment for you. Do you recognize this? Whenever we contemplate our Lord utilizing us, it can be a scary proposition. We can be unsure about the unknown. Certainly we can be excited to jump into a new endeavor. We can also wonder if we will have what it takes to do that next thing. Will we be enough? Remember this: if He has the next assignment for you, He will equip you. He knows exactly where you are and will lead, guide, direct you, all to benefit His purpose for your life. He's got you. “God will meet you where you are in order to take you where He wants you to go.” —Tony Evans Anthony Tyrone "Tony" Evans is an American Christian pastor, speaker, author, and widely syndicated radio and television broadcaster in the United States. Evans serves as senior pastor to the over-9,500-member Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, Texas

Healing in its Wings

  Healing in its Wings Rise Up, Oh Morning, you are my friend! I love the fresh air and the crisp feeling of the dew before the sunshine evaporates it. All of the sounds seem more clear and sharp. Things are waking up. A fresh perspective follows within moments of my very first steps outside. Rays of sunshine seem to pierce into splashes of warmth against my face. Imagery through the written word has always fascinated me. My heart sings a happy tune today for the Lord is with me. And He is with you today. Let the new day be a healing balm for you. Skip along your morning and be refreshed for the day is unfolding as the gift it is, all for you. "But for you who fear my name, the sun of righteousness shall rise with healing in its wings. You shall go out leaping like calves from the stall.“--Malachi 4:2 We are better together. Have a blessed day, Kimala #splashedinthespirit "Rise UP! You were Made for More!" ™ --Kimala #RISEUP #MadeforMore #KimalaDeS

Beauty Inside the Heart

  Beauty Inside the Heart Being beautiful has its advantages. Certainly we all strive to look better outwardly, through nutrition, exercise, clothing, makeup, skincare products and much much more. Our society tells us that it is important to look your best, in fact, so much so that we ought to emulate celebrities for their striking beauty. What does God say? The Lord wants your beauty to come from within. His definition of true beauty is having a gentle and quiet spirit. How do you attain this kind of beauty? By putting your trust and hope in the Lord. That trust and hope builds, enhances and emulates the overwhelming love of a Savior who wants us to have true peace. Inner beauty is something that takes time to develop. There is no quick worldly fix-- rather the consistent immersion of God's biblical word and the acceptance of the Holy Spirit to reside within you. Looking for the fountain of youth? Seek no more. The Holy Spirit refreshes and calms from the inside out. Remain in Him

Christ Brings Salvation

  Christ Brings Salvation How often is God on your mind? Is He with you when you awake? Is He with you as you tarry along your day, waiting in expectation for His returning? Is He with you as you settle down to sleep? I can ensure you this: God wants us to wait expectantly for His return. No one knows when that will be, but we are to eagerly await that moment in time! Jesus did his job--he bore the weight of the world's sins. Now it's up to us to accept that incredible gift and follow Him the rest of our days. Sounds easy enough, right? But, satan has other plans for us. There will be many distractions along the journey. There will be things, in attempt, to pull us away from our Savior. Trust in God's word for all of us--your salvation rests in you eagerly awaiting His arrival. Spend some time in His word. Trust in the Almighty to deliver as promised. Set yourself apart from any distractions that would pull you away. Rest in the acceptance of the forgiveness and saving grac

Steadfast Love that Never Quits

  Steadfast Love that Never Quits Oh what a glorious morning indeed! We awaken and spring up for this new day! The Lord our God loves you and He has an ample supply of this love. He will never quit on you. He will never walk away from you. Can we all agree that we messed up somewhere yesterday along our day? We all fall short of the glory of God. We are messy and imperfect, but He loves us still. We try to rationalize our wrongs to make them right, but He knows our faulty imperfections and works with us, right where we are, in our faith journey. His discernment comes quick and leads us by example. He isn't going anywhere away from us. He will be there right by your side. There is power in this promise alone! His love is loyal, faithful, reliable, devoted, dedicated and dependable. We can trust that it will not suddenly stop or come to a quick halt. He tells us in Lamentations that His mercies for us will never end. The Lord has so much compassion and forgiveness towards his childre

Flourish with Peace

Flourish with Peace I love definitions of words. Whenever I look something up for a deeper meaning, it always expands my mind to understand the fullness of what the writer is conveying. In this case, God inspired biblical words. Flourish means to spring up and grow like vegetation after rain, to break forth as a, bud, bloom, to spread, to fly. See what I mean? Your imagination releases images of this definition till you get a richer, deeper and more complex comprehension. Abound means multitude, abundance, greatness.  “In his days may the righteous flourish, and peace abound, till the moon be no more!”--Psalm 72:7 In Gill's Exposition of the Bible he explains: "In his days shall the righteous flourish,.... As the grass of the field, Psalm 72:16; the dews and rain of grace descending upon them; and as a branch, Proverbs 11:28. They being branches in Christ the vine, flourish and bring forth fruit; and as the palm tree, Psalm 92:12; which the more it is pressed with weights, the

The Knot Prayer

The Knot Prayer Remove, Erase, Release "Rise UP! You were Made for More!" ™ --Kimala #RISEUP #MadeforMore #KimalaDeSena #Christian #Women #Business #Calling #SelfCare