Healing in its Wings


Healing in its Wings

Rise Up, Oh Morning, you are my friend! I love the fresh air and the crisp feeling of the dew before the sunshine evaporates it. All of the sounds seem more clear and sharp. Things are waking up. A fresh perspective follows within moments of my very first steps outside. Rays of sunshine seem to pierce into splashes of warmth against my face. Imagery through the written word has always fascinated me. My heart sings a happy tune today for the Lord is with me. And He is with you today. Let the new day be a healing balm for you. Skip along your morning and be refreshed for the day is unfolding as the gift it is, all for you.

"But for you who fear my name, the sun of righteousness shall rise with healing in its wings. You shall go out leaping like calves from the stall.“--Malachi 4:2
We are better together.
Have a blessed day, Kimala

"Rise UP! You were Made for More!" ™ --Kimala


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