Flourish with Peace

Flourish with Peace

I love definitions of words. Whenever I look something up for a deeper meaning, it always expands my mind to understand the fullness of what the writer is conveying. In this case, God inspired biblical words. Flourish means to spring up and grow like vegetation after rain, to break forth as a, bud, bloom, to spread, to fly. See what I mean? Your imagination releases images of this definition till you get a richer, deeper and more complex comprehension. Abound means multitude, abundance, greatness. 

“In his days may the righteous flourish, and peace abound, till the moon be no more!”--Psalm 72:7

In Gill's Exposition of the Bible he explains: "In his days shall the righteous flourish,.... As the grass of the field, Psalm 72:16; the dews and rain of grace descending upon them; and as a branch, Proverbs 11:28. They being branches in Christ the vine, flourish and bring forth fruit; and as the palm tree, Psalm 92:12; which the more it is pressed with weights, the more it grows; so they, the more they are afflicted, as the Israelites, the more they grow in grace and experience, and become fruitful in every good word and work; which is owing to their being planted in a good soil, in the house and courts of the Lord, where the word is preached, and ordinances administered; to their being rooted and grounded in the love of God and grace of Christ; to their being watered continually with the dews of divine favour; enjoying the bright shining of the sun of righteousness, and the refreshing gales of the divine Spirit, like the south wind upon them, causing their spices to flow out."

What a beautiful rendition of God's word and promise to all of us.  May today you flourish in your faith and may peace surround you till there is no more moon. Be blessed.
We are better together.
Have a blessed day, Kimala

"Rise UP! You were Made for More!" ™ --Kimala


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