A Moment of Gratitude


A Moment of Gratitude

It's interesting how we can get in a mindset of complaining about the very things that others only wish they had. I am reminded of this today, as I sip my coffee out of a mug that has a tiny chip in it. When I sip my lip feels this small indent. Mind you, my husband poured this lovely warm cup of coffee and brought it to me with just the right amount of creamer that I like--oh how he knows me. I don't think I also mentioned the over-easy eggs on nut bread that came with that cup of coffee with the tiny chip in it. Nor did I tell you the amazing sunshine this morning that beams through the window with the trees as scenery and spills out onto my dining room table where I sit right now, in this comfortable chair, in front of my laptop computer, in my humble little home on the hill.
Let me sit still and let all of that sink in.
Thank you God.
We are better together when we are Splashed in the Spirit.
***Would you like to do my 30 Day Gratitude Challenge? The workbook is available today on Amazon. kimaladesena.com/books-on-Amazon


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