Wading through Grief


Wading through Grief

The nature of grief seems to spill into other areas of our lives while we attempt to navigate it's shores. We can begin to believe we got a better handle on it, creating boundaries to keep it tucked inside, but it can spread quickly and overtake the lines we draw in the sand. So true. As you stand on its shores, can you see what's ahead?
Look for the smallest sparkle of light.
God knows your heart. He knows what pains you deeply. He sees you long for what and who you miss so dearly. Recognize your desire to replace the hole that was left inside of you. Fill it with God's goodness and let His love wash over any areas that have left you feeling high and dry. What you thirst for, He has for you.
"He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds."--Psalm 147:3
Soon, you will recognize that grief was a gift He provided to help you swim to the next new shore. New territory can spring forth new beginnings. Yes, it will look and feel different. With God's help, different can be okay.
You will be okay.
We are better together when we are Splashed in the Spirit.
***Want to do my 30 Day Self Care Challenge? Look for the workbook on Amazon today. www.kimaladesena.com/books-on-amazon


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