Afresh Each Morning



Afresh Each Morning

We have a God who lavishes His love on us daily. How beautiful is that thought? Unconditional love. We do not have to do anything to earn this kind of love from Him. God is love and His tender mercies for us begin again each and every time that we open our eyelids and face a new day. Feel the ongoing hope that is in this kind of relationship from our trusting Father. He always shows up. He is consistent, when things and people around us may not be. He is dependable. He is loyal to His children. You and I are His children--we are God's family. We can trust that He is a God who pours out His mercies on us to refresh and renew our souls so we can forge ahead to do the works He places on our hearts. Sing praises to our loving Father. In the morning I will rise and worship Him before my first cup of coffee. He is my portion and I will place my hope in Him. Now I am refreshed. I am satisfied. I will commit to begin again today even before my feet hit the floor. Lord, you are a good good Father. It's who you are. And I am loved by you. I will cherish this today.

"Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning."--Lamentations 3:23
We are better together.
Have a blessed day, Kimala DeSena

"Rise UP! You were Made for More!" ™ --Kimala

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