Give God the Reins


Give God the Reins

Do you have a list of friends and family that you pray for? Does God assign for you a few that need extra prayer? In the practice of praying for others, there is a consistency that only comes from walking in faith with God. Trusting in Him allows us to carry our prayer life further by praying not only for our own wants, needs, desires, solutions; but extending ourselves beyond and focusing our attention of the people around us. Sometimes God brings certain people in your path specifically for you to pray for. He wants your relationship with Him to be rich and pleasing. God knows the matters of our hearts. He sees and knows all. And in this knowledge He understands our strengths and our weaknesses. Extend your prayer circle by including folks you would not normally pray for. Deepen your relationship with the Lord by taking these matters to Him. Show Him that you have what it takes to be a great prayer warrior.
Decide today that you will allow God to lead. Give Him the control. Turn it all over to Him today. Then watch the miracles unfold. He is waiting...give Him the reins.
"But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.”--2 Chronicles 15:7

We are better together.
Have a blessed day, Kimala DeSena

"Rise UP! You were Made for More!" ™ --Kimala

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