Fall for Jesus

Fall for Jesus

These days division roams our halls, splits our roadways, and stalks our lovely places. We must return to the originator of whom brought peace, love and unity to our world: Jesus. If we can hate our fellow man whom we see daily, then how can we love Jesus who is unseen? Christians, this is a call to restore your hearts and minds!
God the Father sent God the Son to come to our world in order that he would indeed show us the way. The way to do things correctly, the way to reset our thoughts and minds, and the way to re-establish our hearts in Christ. He showed us how to love, even the most unlovable. Perhaps, in all this division, you are considered an unlovable. How can we change?
Follow Christ. He leads us to love one another. He offers salvation and an opportunity to have the most intimate relationship with Him. Fall for Jesus. He provides a better way. He understands the human condition to not want to forgive. But we must. Our salvation rests upon this very act! Forgive and allow yourself to love like Jesus.

"We love because he first loved us."--1John 4:19
We are better together.
Have a blessed day, Kimala DeSena

"Rise UP! You were Made for More!" ™ --Kimala


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