Mighty is the Lord

 Mighty is the Lord

We can be encouraged that God has control over all. Let us now acknowledge in our minds the power of his strength. He is extremely, exceedingly, enormously impressive in his ability to oversee everything. We cannot dismiss this, especially when we begin to believe He may not be in control of what is happening in your situation. While we may bare witness to the dark storms that brew here on earth, God sits above any forces below heaven. Opposing forces like the great waters will keep coming. Jesus informed us, but great is the mighty Great I AM.
In Gill's exposition of the bible he states: "Christ is the most High; he is God over all, higher than the highest; he is, as King, higher than the kings of the earth; he is in the highest heavens, and higher than they; he is highly exalted, as Mediator, at the right hand of God: he is the mighty God, and mighty Savior; yea, he is Almighty, and therefore mightier than all his enemies, and the noise they make, and the force they use; he is stronger than the strong man armed; than Satan, and all his principalities and powers; than all the persecuting princes and potentates of this world; than antichrist, and all the antichristian states: yea, than "the mighty waves of the sea"...
than the
of the great waters,
than the breakers
of the sea—the LORD on high is mighty.”
—Psalm 93:4

Today, remind yourself of the power and strength of the Lord God Almighty. Trust that his will and reign will succeed all and in his timing. Amen.
We are better together.
Have a blessed day, Kimala

Rise UP! You were Made for More!" ™ --Kimala


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