Who Does God Say That I am? Day ONE: I am LOVED.



Can you say this again please, in my good ear? I am loved. Truly loved. Deeply loved. Always and forever loved. Better yet, I am loved by my Creator. The one who I can call Abba, Father, God, Jehovah, Savior, Lord, Prince of Peace, Wonderful Counselor, Ruler over All, Alpha and Omega, Light of the World, Good Shepherd, King of Kings, Author and Finisher, Emmanuel, Adonai, Christos, El Shaddai, Elohim, Yahweh, and more. You tell me that I am loved.

Lord, thank you for creating me. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for handing over your son to this world to save us a place in eternity with you. I am grateful. I am refreshed today with this biblical truth, that no matter what happens today and forward, no matter who comes in and out of my life, no matter what, I will march forward, no skip gleefully forward, knowing how much I am truly loved by you. Thank you Father. Thank you for this knowledge. Today, I recommit my life to you by simply knowing that I am loved. I will not waste any more time feeling unloved or unworthy. I will wear this knowledge like a sweet fragrance. I am loved. I pray that I will not forget this in times of trouble. I will sew this knowledge into my heart so it stays with me. I am loved. Amen.

I want you to go to the mirror. I want you to say out loud to yourself: "I am loved." Say it a few times. Yes, aloud. It just doesn't count if you say it in your head. Out loud, I am loved. I am loved. Now, I want you to write it in big words on a sheet of paper and hold it up and snap a photo of yourself! Then come to this post and share it with us in the comments. If you want, print it out and hang it up on your mirror, goal board, refrigerator or wherever you can see it this week! We are all together in this journey of self care. I am loved. You are loved. We are loved by our Creator. Please don't forget this. ❤

  • What does it mean to you to be so loved by your Creator?
  • Can you recall a time when you didn't feel loved? Or have you lost someone you loved dearly?
  • Share an experience of a time when you felt loved or did not feel loved and how you handled this? Sharing helps others.
  • Is this something that you need prayer for today?

We are better together.

If you would like to purchase the workbook for this 21 day study, please contact Kimala DeSena at splashedinthespirit@gmail.com 


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