
Exceeding Love

Exceeding Love We cannot comprehend it. This kind of unconditional love. The outpouring from a Savior who would give anything for us--longing to have relationship with you and I. No man or woman walking this Earth can compare or even come close to loving you the way that Jesus does. No one. Today, dig deep inside to fill the hurt, anger, pain, upset, anxiousness, worry or disappointment with the One True God. His love is exceeding--His love is healing. Allow yourself to be filled to measure--what does that mean exactly? Well, in my mind, it means to the tippy top!!!! He loves you that much. "and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God."--Ephesians 3:19 We are better together when we are Splashed in the Spirit. Blessings, Kimala DeSena #splashedinthespirit #lovemonth #YesuNakopenda #YesuleTimilaiMayaGarchha #JesusLovesYou

I Stand in Awe of You

  I Stand in Awe of You My prayer today is for our world to stand in awe of the Lord. I pray for our Lord to be fully known to all. Miracles happen all around us, but are not always recognized. Sometimes they happen in the smallest of details and if we do not pay close enough attention, they can become quickly dismissed as just coincidence. Open your eyes and hearts today. The Lord is with you. Even in our darkest troubles He delicately picks up the pieces and with his craftsmanship, carefully puts things back together. Receive his love and restoration while going about your day. Recognize it is He and offer your thankful worship to the one true God who deserves our praises. “LORD, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, LORD. Repeat them in our day, in our time make them known; in wrath remember mercy.”—Habakkuk 3:2 We are better together when we are splashed in the spirit. Blessings, Kimala DeSena #splashedinthespirit #riseup #madeformore #wom


  Abundance Ponder this today, are you in the tribe of those who are called? Has the Lord delicately wrapped you in his sacred care? Has he placed a special desire in your heart, commissioning you to step forward in faith to do something he is equipping you to do? Life is rough. No doubt about it. If you accept Jesus into your life, and choose to follow him the rest of your days, then my sweet friend, you are called. You are called and enveloped by Him. You are adopted by his grace and mercy into His forever family. We can celebrate that an overflowing abundance of the wonderful attributes of the Father's gifts to us will indeed flow. Stay with Him. Listen intently to what He wants you to do, no matter how uncomfortable it might be, because my dear, you are called to bigger things. "to those who are called, loved by God the Father and kept in Jesus Christ: may mercy, peace and love be multiplied to you."--Jude 1:1-2 We are better together when we are splashed in the spiri

Our Body is a Temple

  KIMALA'S CORNER Our Body is a Temple Consider this: what have you done for yourself lately regarding your physical self care? Do you actively engage in exercise or strenuous activity to get it moving and burning excess calories? Do you conciously choose healthy eating options and promote good healthcare? Do you make regular appointments for dental and physician routine check ups? Do you take care of your outward appearance regarding your hair, face, skin, nails, etc? How about mental self care? Do you only intake that which would do you well, pondering, contemplating and considering your mental thoughts? Do you carefully screen what you watch, listen to and read? Do you take opportunity to unplug and unwind by resting yourself? How about spiritual self care? Can you consider your time each day with the Lord, reading his word, watching Christian movies, listening to spiritual leaders on Podcast and radio? Are you involved with a ministry or bible study with your church? Are you he

Wading through Grief

  Wading through Grief The nature of grief seems to spill into other areas of our lives while we attempt to navigate it's shores. We can begin to believe we got a better handle on it, creating boundaries to keep it tucked inside, but it can spread quickly and overtake the lines we draw in the sand. So true. As you stand on its shores, can you see what's ahead? Look for the smallest sparkle of light. God knows your heart. He knows what pains you deeply. He sees you long for what and who you miss so dearly. Recognize your desire to replace the hole that was left inside of you. Fill it with God's goodness and let His love wash over any areas that have left you feeling high and dry. What you thirst for, He has for you. "He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds."--Psalm 147:3 Soon, you will recognize that grief was a gift He provided to help you swim to the next new shore. New territory can spring forth new beginnings. Yes, it will look and feel different.

A Moment of Gratitude

  A Moment of Gratitude It's interesting how we can get in a mindset of complaining about the very things that others only wish they had. I am reminded of this today, as I sip my coffee out of a mug that has a tiny chip in it. When I sip my lip feels this small indent. Mind you, my husband poured this lovely warm cup of coffee and brought it to me with just the right amount of creamer that I like--oh how he knows me. I don't think I also mentioned the over-easy eggs on nut bread that came with that cup of coffee with the tiny chip in it. Nor did I tell you the amazing sunshine this morning that beams through the window with the trees as scenery and spills out onto my dining room table where I sit right now, in this comfortable chair, in front of my laptop computer, in my humble little home on the hill. Let me sit still and let all of that sink in. Thank you God. We are better together when we are Splashed in the Spirit. XOXO Kimala DeSena ***Would you like to do my 30 Day Grati

It Takes Time

It Takes Time A well executed plan undoubtedly leads to many levels of success. What is success? It certainly includes believing in doing or accomplishing something for yourself and/or others that leads to improvement inside us and all around us. Perhaps, you are in the season of setting goals like myself. My challenge is that in my purpose and passion, I want everyone to feel as excited about setting goals as I am! It takes time to improve. It takes diligence to forge ahead into new territories. We make strides in our personal and professional accomplishments when we do that which challenges us. But it takes time and it takes a plan. Do you have a new plan this year? Take a moment to pray about what God has in store for you next. Don't waste another moment. God is ready to help you develop something next and it is going to be part of your planned journey. KEEP PLANTING, SOWING, LEARNING AND GROWING. BEAUTIFUL THINGS TAKE TIME. "The plans of the diligent lead to profit as sure