Our Body is a Temple

KIMALA'S CORNER Our Body is a Temple Consider this: what have you done for yourself lately regarding your physical self care? Do you actively engage in exercise or strenuous activity to get it moving and burning excess calories? Do you conciously choose healthy eating options and promote good healthcare? Do you make regular appointments for dental and physician routine check ups? Do you take care of your outward appearance regarding your hair, face, skin, nails, etc? How about mental self care? Do you only intake that which would do you well, pondering, contemplating and considering your mental thoughts? Do you carefully screen what you watch, listen to and read? Do you take opportunity to unplug and unwind by resting yourself? How about spiritual self care? Can you consider your time each day with the Lord, reading his word, watching Christian movies, listening to spiritual leaders on Podcast and radio? Are you involved with a ministry or bible study with your church? Are you he...