
Showing posts from May, 2021

Mighty is the Lord

  Mighty is the Lord We can be encouraged that God has control over all. Let us now acknowledge in our minds the power of his strength. He is extremely, exceedingly, enormously impressive in his ability to oversee everything. We cannot dismiss this, especially when we begin to believe He may not be in control of what is happening in your situation. While we may bare witness to the dark storms that brew here on earth, God sits above any forces below heaven. Opposing forces like the great waters will keep coming. Jesus informed us, but great is the mighty Great I AM. In Gill's exposition of the bible he states: "Christ is the most High; he is God over all, higher than the highest; he is, as King, higher than the kings of the earth; he is in the highest heavens, and higher than they; he is highly exalted, as Mediator, at the right hand of God: he is the mighty God, and mighty Savior; yea, he is Almighty, and therefore mightier than all his enemies, and the noise they make, and th

Daily Renewal

  Daily Renewal Now when I wake up everything crackles. I often joke that I sound like a one-woman marching band--snap, crackle, pop. Depending on the weather it may take me a quick minute to sit up and gather myself before I step down onto the floor. Aging is an interesting process we all can share together. From the moment we are born, we are dying. God shares in 2 Corinthians that even though we are aware of this necessary endeavor, to not lose hope in our failing earthly bodies, but to proceed with the power of the Holy Spirit. In our spiritual walk with the Lord, we are being renewed daily, growing closer and closer to our heavenly Father with the power of the Holy Spirit within us. He uses our fragile vessels to carry his powerful truth. Paul encourages us to not focus on our physical ailments or hardships as we continue forward in our journey to follow Christ. He was strong, determined and more convinced than ever of his purpose to carry the light of the gospel to the world. We

Blessed Be Your Name

Blessed Be Your Name Sometimes I wake up with a song on my heart and in my mind. Today it was Blessed Be Your Name. I sang it as I got my feet on the floor, I kept singing it as I made breakfast and watered plants. I continue to sing it as I sit here and ponder today's message the Holy Spirit encourages me to write. My soul is happy. My circumstances are messy, but my inner being is at peace. I trust in the Lord, for all His ways are good for me, no matter my circumstances, He provides a way. Won't you sing with me today and fill yourself up with praise and worship that spills over into joyful gladness! Here are the lyrics to the song: Blessed Be Your Name by Matt Redman Blessed Be Your Name In the land that is plentiful Where Your streams of abundance flow Blessed be Your name Blessed Be Your name When I'm found in the desert place Though I walk through the wilderness Blessed Be Your name Every blessing You pour out, I'll Turn back to praise When the darkness closes in

Eat from Your Gardens

  Eat from Your Gardens How far have we come from God's original instructions for us? With all of the modern conveniences and fast paced lifestyles, we find ourselves now at times, at the mercy of big corporation and manufacturing. God shares his desire for us to build our homes and establish roots in one place. He instructs us to plant our own gardens and consume from the produce of our own labor with a bounty grown by our very own hands. There have been a multitude of skills that have no longer been taught and passed down from former generations. Ponder on these things: if you needed to homestead, could you? What skills would you need to learn for your family to make their way? Overall, we all desire a stronger sense of community. Could getting back to God's original plans for us, be the answer? "Build houses and settle down; plant gardens and eat what they produce. “ —Jeremiah 29:5 We are better together. Have a blessed day, Kimala. #splashedinthespirit Rise UP! You wer

Friends that Bring Joy to Us

  Friends that Bring Joy to Us Have you ever received sound advice from a good friend? Someone who knows you, sometimes better than yourself, is the richness of a solid friendship. What defines a good friend would include their ability to deliver advice to you in a way that would be well received. We may have friends who on occasion, may pass judgement or frown upon our decisions. We may also have friends who cannot relate to our current situation or not be equipped to come alongside during times of true need. In those circumstances, our hearts will search for friends who can truly lift our spirit, give wise counsel, come alongside and lend a helping hand. These friends bring joy. What kind of friend are you to others? Be a good friend today, bring a smile and share a heartfelt moment of uplifting conversation during their darker days. “Perfume and incense bring joy to the heart and the pleasantness of a friend springs from their heartfelt advice.” —Proverbs 27:9 We are better together

Let God be your Umbrella

Let God be your Umbrella The storms...they come. Some come, catching us off guard and then, others come, but we experience the calm before the storm. God knows and he wants to give you shelter during those times. We may not always have time to prepare for the next storm, but trust that God has you under cover. Draw to him and let him be your umbrella when the storm comes... "You have been a refuge for the poor, a refuge for the needy in their distress, a shelter from the storm and a shade from the heat. For the breath of the ruthless is like a storm driving against a wall."--Isaiah 25:4 "He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty."--Psalm 91:1 "a shelter to give shade from the heat by day, and a refuge and hiding place from the storm and the rain."--Isaiah 4:6 "Have mercy on me, my God, have mercy on me, for in you I take refuge. I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings until the disaster has passed. I