
Showing posts from January, 2021

Who Do You Say That I am? Day TWO: I am BLESSED

  SPIRITUAL SELF CARE WHO DOES GOD SAY THAT I AM? 21 DAYS TO DISCOVER MYSELF THROUGH THE WORD Day TWO: I am BLESSED I am blessed. Truly I am, but I forget this a lot. How often do you walk around with this realization of being blessed? Are there days that you don't feel blessed at all? Or maybe you do, but distractions get the best of us and suddenly, any blessings are quickly tucked behind a slurry of problems. It is just too easy to get sidetracked. Some days, I'm like a firefighter, putting out a problem fire every way I turn. Enough! Oh, to fully acknowledge our blessings from the heavenly realms! PRAYER Lord, thank you for allowing me to see how this verse is truly written. Praise to the God and Father of Jesus Christ. Recognizing the Father head of the trinity allows me to see how good you are to me. Thank you that you have blessed us in the heavenly realms! Oh my Lord, I am not worthy to receive such blessings, yet you say I am. Thank you that every spiritual blessing fo

Who Does God Say That I am? Day ONE: I am LOVED.

  SPIRITUAL SELF CARE Can you say this again please, in my good ear? I am loved. Truly loved. Deeply loved. Always and forever loved. Better yet, I am loved by my Creator. The one who I can call Abba, Father, God, Jehovah, Savior, Lord, Prince of Peace, Wonderful Counselor, Ruler over All, Alpha and Omega, Light of the World, Good Shepherd, King of Kings, Author and Finisher, Emmanuel, Adonai, Christos, El Shaddai, Elohim, Yahweh, and more. You tell me that I am loved. PRAYER Lord, thank you for creating me. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for handing over your son to this world to save us a place in eternity with you. I am grateful. I am refreshed today with this biblical truth, that no matter what happens today and forward, no matter who comes in and out of my life, no matter what, I will march forward, no skip gleefully forward, knowing how much I am truly loved by you. Thank you Father. Thank you for this knowledge. Today, I recommit my life to you by simply knowing that I am lo