
Showing posts from January, 2022

It Takes Time

It Takes Time A well executed plan undoubtedly leads to many levels of success. What is success? It certainly includes believing in doing or accomplishing something for yourself and/or others that leads to improvement inside us and all around us. Perhaps, you are in the season of setting goals like myself. My challenge is that in my purpose and passion, I want everyone to feel as excited about setting goals as I am! It takes time to improve. It takes diligence to forge ahead into new territories. We make strides in our personal and professional accomplishments when we do that which challenges us. But it takes time and it takes a plan. Do you have a new plan this year? Take a moment to pray about what God has in store for you next. Don't waste another moment. God is ready to help you develop something next and it is going to be part of your planned journey. KEEP PLANTING, SOWING, LEARNING AND GROWING. BEAUTIFUL THINGS TAKE TIME. "The plans of the diligent lead to profit as sure

Be Gentle with your Spouse

Be Gentle with your Spouse How often do you react instead of responding with love to your spouse? We can find ourselves behaving better towards others than the very person who means the world to us. What does God say about this? He tells us to interact with one another with a humble and gentle approach. God says to use our patience. He wants us to be conscious that the person right in front of us is the one we truly love--this person is who we chose to marry. Our life partner. Our best friend. Our one and only. Our person. We need to address one another with the same enthusiasm as we had the day we married. God goes further to instruct us to have a willing heart to protect and nurture a bond of peace. In other words, stop fighting over silliness and pettty junk. It's just not worth it. Today, show your spouse the extra care they deserve from you. Make the effort to approach them with love and respect, with a humble heart. No matter what their mood or actions are. Change begins with

New Beginnings

New Beginnings We all desire a new chance, a second start. Maybe it's the feeling of a fresh new beginning that gets us excited about the new year. We have been faced with challenges, many that we certainly did not expect this past year. We try to erase the past and consider what's around the corner. The winter elements cause us to want the season to change--to bring forth new life. We know that dragging anything negative or dead-weight into the new year will only prove our worst doubts and fears. Let us consider a fresh start. God doesn't want you to take another step forward hanging onto all this grief and strife. He wants to offer you an opportunity to release it. Let it go. It doesn't serve you. Today, ask God to walk you through the process of shedding the old life, the old ways, the old beliefs. Ask the Father to release and renew you in your mind to understand who you belong to. You belong to Him. You are His. Set yourself with your new life to walk in righteousn


KIMALA'S CORNER CHOOSE YOUR WORD What will be your new word for 2022? Every year, I choose a word. It's something I do because it keeps me thinking deeply, feeling deeply and growing deeply, as I begin a new year. My new word has come to me early. It is the word: REFRESH. I cannot stop thinking about my word. It's got me so excited for this year ahead! DEFINITION OF REFRESH /rəˈfreSH/ verb To give new strength or energy to; reinvigorate. To make as if new; to repair; to restore; restoration of strength, spirit, vigour, or liveliness; relief after suffering; an increasing of life. synonyms reinvigorate, revitalize, revive, brace, fortify, strengthen, stimulate, wake up, regenerate, revivify, renew, exhiliarate, inspirit ---------------------------------------- "Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord,"--Acts 3:19 (NIV) "Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted ou