
Showing posts from December, 2021

I am the Light

KIMALA'S CORNER I am the Light Christmas season is filled with the excitement and joy of the birth of Christ. Who doesn't love a wonderful baby story? Smiles, laughter, warm hearts, cooing, making baby faces, snuggling blankets and the softest of stuffed animals surround any crib in today's world. But, as Christians, we know that Christmas and the birth of Christ is much more than this. Christ came to bring us His redeeming grace. He is our Savior. He bore our sins upon that cross and reunited us to the Father in heaven. His gift to us is so over the top, that many may not be able to fully comprehend the magnitude of what Jesus did for us. How do you top that? Jesus gives us eternal life and all I got him was a t-shirt for Christmas. It says "Jesus Saves." If you can focus on one thing this Christmas, it is this: Jesus is the Light. He is the light in the darkness. He is our Hope. Trust in that. He will show you the way. Keep on the path. He has you by the hand an


  KIMALA'S CORNER Messiah How many times do we wish we knew all the answers? If you are like me, you do your research (as best you can) to find the truth on the subject matter you have burning questions about. Sometimes you are enlightened; while other times you are left frustrated with finding what it is you are looking for. As a people, we all desire truth. What is our purpose here on this earth? What am I to be doing with my life? What will happen to me? Jesus is the Messiah. He is the annointed One. God sent him to save us from peril. His redeeming grace is offered to all who choose to listen to His words and follow Him. He has all the answers. He gives instruction. He offers peace. He knows what is to come. His ways are good for us. He guides us each day. He knows our hearts. He understands our fears and concerns. He listens... and most of all, He instructs. Pay attention. His words are filled in the gospels in our bibles. He offers discernement when we are needing discipline.

Prince of Peace

  KIMALA'S CORNER Prince of Peace When we sit still for a moment and reflect on the precious gift of Jesus Christ, given to us by our Father, oh my, I don't know about you, but my soul dances. Jesus came as man, handed over to us by our Lord God, and He made a way for us to be eternally together when there was no way. Jesus oh Jesus, you are Mighty indeed! We must always remember who is in charge and it isn't us! Jesus is called Wonderful Counselor because His wisdom supercedes anything we could muster up or consider. He is Mighty God because all things come from Him through the Trinity--Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He is the Source of life! We would be nothing without Him. He is the Everlasting Father because He isn't going anywhere! He is consistant, always available to us, forever seated at the right hand of God the Father's majestic throne in the heavenly realms, and awaits our arrival. While others may not be able to sustain relationships with us, Jesus is alwa

Grief that Brings Healing

  KIMALA'S CORNER Grief that Brings Healing During a season while others may be rejoicing and overflowing with joy and happiness, your time may be filled with grief and sadness over loss. The world would say to move quickly through your process so that you can get onto doing more important things, but to run from grief will hinder the process of complete healing. If we allow the Lord to help us walk through the grieving with prayer and bible verses, we can trust the Lord can quell the feelings of our loss and navigate us closer towards a place of wholeness again. Grieving and Self Care go together. Trust your process, be open and honest about your feelings, give yourself time for self-soothing and nurturing self care and remain hopeful. Ask God to bring people into your circle that understand what you are going through. Don't go it alone. God is with you and He understands. He is the balm of healing and through time, you will mend. Trust Him. "He heals the brokenhe

The First to Know Jesus

  KIMALA'S CORNER The First to Know Jesus The news came quickly to Elizabeth, Mary's relative. As soon as she heard Mary enter her home, Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and her baby leaped in her womb! The very first person to recognize Jesus was the unborn child, John the Baptist! Praise God for his biblical truth and historical account. Imagine how Elizabeth must have felt to recognize this truth, with the help of the Holy Spirit, that Mary would be birthing the Lord! I can imagine her being consumed with an overwhelming love for the unborn who has come to save the world! Their children would only be 6 months apart, yet each would have such an impact on this earth. John the Baptist was predestined to bring many people in Israel back to God and pave the way for Jesus. (read Luke1:13-17) Jesus had come as the Messiah and Savior, redeeming his people by saving them of their sins, to be reunited with the Father in Heaven. Today, ask the Holy Spirit to be with you. Allow

The Gifts of Christmas: Spirit of Sharing

  KIMALA'S CORNER The Gifts of Christmas: SPIRIT OF SHARING God loves a cheerful giver! He is so pleased when you are able to share what you have and bring your time, treasures and talents out into the world and give to others this way. Find ways this holiday season to give and share. Time: volunteer, babysit, lead the way, be present for others. be a good listener, run errands or do chores for another or help the needy, elderly or sickly. Treasures: have any extra then give it to someone else in need, have money to spend then buy something for another or help them with their bills, any other treasure you can think of share it Talents: share your strongsuits--your abilities, mental and physical attributes, handiwork or capacity to help another with your knowledge or know-how. We all have something to give and share. Let's start our own lists today and see if we can outdo one another in the area of sharing. Hebrews 13:16 “And do not forget to do good and to share with others, fo

Father of Heavenly Lights offers Perfect Gifts

  KIMALA'S CORNER The Gifts of Christmas: FATHER OF HEAVENLY LIGHTS OFFERS PERFECT GIFTS God knows what we need. Let's not forget that he knows everything. Trust that what he offers to us is completely good and perfect for us. We may want things to happen or to acquire instantly, but God's timing is not ours. He provides like no other. If it is not good for us, He protects us from it. He is consistant and trustworthy. He does not fail us. While we may become impatient in our prayer requests, remember to not look to the world for other options while we wait! Everything God provides is perfect. Let's remember this today. "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows."--James 1:17 We are better together. Have a blessed day,  Kimala DeSena "Rise UP! You were Made for More!" ™ --Kimala #RISEUP #MadeforMore #KimalaDeSena #Christian #Women #