
Showing posts from November, 2021

30 Day Self Care Challenge: Allowing God to Redirect You to a Better Life--Workbook is here!

Self Care You never fully arrive at caring for yourself. It's not like you do a bunch of it and you're all caught up. Truth is, it's an ongoing process. We need to be aware of what our personal needs are as we accept more things to do that require our inner strength, superhuman energy, an overload of multi-tasking, personal balance and well being. It's a constant ebb and flow, like the tides. It begins each day with you. This book was birthed so that you can better understand the intricate details of how God made each of us. Your self care needs will look different than mine. There will be tools you can add to your personal basket so when you need something, it will be there for you. There will be bible verses that will immediately heal the inner parts you didn't know needed God's word to resound through you, healing as you read them. There will be need for you to write out your personal thoughts and conversations with Him who cares so deeply for you. Be nourish

Life Begins Inside

Life Begins Inside What is God working on you today? Do you hear the quiet whisper from our Lord? His discernment, His direction, His discipline are to ensure we remain in Him and on the correct path for this life. Feeling like life is hum drum? Maybe you are feeling lost. Look within. Take to heart the scripture you just read, letting it soak into all of the folds inside you. Allow it to seep deeply inside. Change will happen. The Holy Spirit is there for exactly this purpose. Release your own control. Let Him do the rest. Gladly. We are better together. Have a blessed day, Kimala DeSena "Rise UP! You were Made for More!" ™ --Kimala #RISEUP #MadeforMore #KimalaDeSena #Christian #Women #Business #Calling #SelfCare

Don't Turn Away

  Don't Turn Away Be bold in praying for God to use you in a mighty way. Take courage walking in faith. Don't turn away. Don't run and hide. He is calling us to the Great Commission to be the light and share the gospel. We are not called to be cowards. We are called to be soldiers as we bring light to darkness through the Holy Spirit who resides in us! Believers, ask for the opportunity to shine your faith. Share your light. Trust God in equipping you in all ways to do his work. You simply need to step up. What if that person is the "one more" that God is waiting for before he calls us home? We are better together. Have a blessed day,  Kimala DeSena "Rise UP! You were Made for More!" ™ --Kimala #RISEUP #MadeforMore #KimalaDeSena #Christian #Women #Business #Calling #SelfCare

Afresh Each Morning

  KIMALA'S CORNER Afresh Each Morning We have a God who lavishes His love on us daily. How beautiful is that thought? Unconditional love. We do not have to do anything to earn this kind of love from Him. God is love and His tender mercies for us begin again each and every time that we open our eyelids and face a new day. Feel the ongoing hope that is in this kind of relationship from our trusting Father. He always shows up. He is consistent, when things and people around us may not be. He is dependable. He is loyal to His children. You and I are His children--we are God's family. We can trust that He is a God who pours out His mercies on us to refresh and renew our souls so we can forge ahead to do the works He places on our hearts. Sing praises to our loving Father. In the morning I will rise and worship Him before my first cup of coffee. He is my portion and I will place my hope in Him. Now I am refreshed. I am satisfied. I will commit to begin again today even before my feet